
Turkmen student candidates who will study in our Pilotage Department on behalf of Turkmenistan Airlines have been determined

With our University within the framework of Antalya Diplomacy Forum Signed between Turkmenistan Airlines on March 1, 2024. Within the scope of the Implementation Agreement of the Memorandum of Understanding Candidates who will study in our University Pilotage Program determine and conduct the necessary exams and interviews accordingly. In order to realize this, our Rector Mr. Prof. Dr. Rahmi Er a delegation consisting of faculty members of our University under the chairmanship Turkmenistan Airlines General Manager Mr. Celebration Based on Baymyradov's invitation, between 14-18 July 2024. He paid a visit to Ashgabat. Within the scope of the visit; for pilot training within the framework of cooperation Turkmen student candidates applying to Turkmenistan Airlines take various exams in the fields of English, Basic Sciences and aviation to study at the Pilotage Department of our University. Qualifying candidates have been determined.